
Thoughts, inspirations, experiments, & everything else.




MIT News covered a story on Magnetomicrometry, which includes an animation we made to explain the technology. Magnets could offer better control of prosthetic limbs

The 3D & Motion Design Show

Hi, friends! Check out the Vessel Studios crew exploring Cinema 4D Field Forces, airing on Maxon’s 3D & Motion Design Show at noon PST, July 21, 2020. The 3D &...

Cinema 4D Fields

The Vessel team presents how to Use Cinema 4D Fields at the 2020 Motion Design Show. The 3D and Motion Design Show

Cinema 4D Volumes

Thomas presents Cinema 4D volumes techniques for medical art with MAXON at NAB 2019. NAB 2019

AMI 2019

We are super excited about AMI Milwaukee! Thank you to the Association of Medical Illustrators for continuing to nurture the art of medicine. Check out our AMI 2019 reel. Best!...

New Faces at Vessel

We are beyond thrilled to have these incredible people join the Vessel team! Mark Mazaitis, Medical Animator, brings to Vessel a diverse skill-set developed through eighteen years of professional experience...